
Q: What is the difference between the Theravāda Foundation and Sasana.pl portal?

A: Sasana.pl was created to share translations of Buddhist texts and lectures, while the Foundation is a legal entity with a wider set of goals. The Foundation will support and co-operate with Sasana.pl in the effort to bring translations of Buddhist teachings to Polish people, but will also pursue its other goals.

Q: Are there any Theravada Buddhist monks residing in Poland?

A: Unfortunately there are no Theravāda monks, nor lay teachers currently residing in Poland. In the west of Europe there are a lot of centres and monasteries that can facilitate the stay of monks and teachers, but until now the conditions didn't allow for one to be built in Poland.

Q: Why did You choose to create a Foundation instead of any other type of legal entity?

A: We came to the conclusion that the legal status of a Foundation best suits our needs. As a Foundation we can hope for financial support from donors, both domestic, and abroad, and we hope to create an organisation capable of co-operation with international partners.

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